“Peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of creative alternatives for responding to conflict”  Dorothy Thompson

A Mediator’s role is to help participants to find their own solutions, helping them to say what they need within the structure of a mediation process.

I have been a Mediator since 2000. Staring my career helping to set up a Community Mediation Service in West London. I have had many experiences of witnessing the first-hand benefits of engaging in mediation.

How does it work?

The process will include a discussion to help to ascertain if mediation is suitable, an initial conversation with each participant and if all participants are in agreement a joint meeting is arranged.  Any agreement can either be agreed between the participants or put into writing.

Mediation is confidential and encourages challenges to be settled.  The focus of mediation is always to support a better way of doing things differently in the future.  The mediator will not give opinions or take sides, supporting a constructive discussion.

Areas that I have mediated are:

  • Workplace;
  • Interpersonal;
  • Family;
  • Community;
  • Special Educational Needs.

This can be done in person or via zoom.

“Peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of creative alternatives for responding to conflict”  Dorothy Thompson